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Kovar Systems provides comprehensive support and services designed to grow martial arts schools. This includes:

  • 1:1 Personal Coaching: Get personalized guidance to help you grow your business.
  • Systems and Resources: Access a wide range of strategies, frameworks, and tools to streamline operations.
  • Instructor & Staff Training: Empower your team with certification courses for instructors and program directors.
  • Networking Opportunities: Join a community of martial arts professionals to share insights and strategies.

How can Kovar Systems help me increase my student base and profits?

Kovar Systems offers advanced strategies that focus on:

  • Student Acquisition: Techniques and tools to attract new students.
  • Student Retention: Methods to keep students engaged and reduce turnover.
  • Marketing: Guidance on effective marketing strategies to maximize reach and profitability.

Kovar Systems is ideal for:

  • School Owners: Looking to expand their student base and increase profitability.
  • Instructors: Seeking certification and wanting to improve their teaching skills.
  • Administrative Staff: Needing training to enhance operational and customer service skills.

Absolutely! Kovar Systems offers training and resources suitable for both new and experienced martial arts school owners. Whether you're just starting or looking to refine your existing operations, Kovar Systems can provide the guidance you need.

You can begin by scheduling a complimentary 30-minute coaching call. This session will help us understand your specific needs and challenges, allowing us to tailor a plan suited for your school’s success.

During the free coaching call, you will discuss your business goals and challenges with a dedicated Success Coach. You will receive insights and practical steps that you can immediately apply to your business.

The initial 30-minute coaching call is completely free and there are no obligations to continue. It’s designed to provide you with valuable insights and introduce you to the Kovar Systems approach.

Yes, Kovar Systems provides comprehensive training programs for instructors and administrative staff to ensure high operational excellence and customer satisfaction across all aspects of your martial arts school.  For more information, please see our Program Director Certification program page.

By partnering with Kovar Systems, you can expect:

  • Enhanced Business Growth: Effective strategies to increase your student base and revenue.
  • Operational Excellence: Streamlined school operations through robust systems and processes.
  • Improved Staff Capability: Well-trained instructors and administrative staff committed to your school's success.
Satori Coaching

Satori Coaching offers specialized business growth systems and coaching designed specifically for martial arts school owners to overcome common business hurdles and achieve success.

You can schedule your free coaching call through the Kovar Systems website by selecting the 'Schedule a Free Coaching Call' option to get personalized advice and strategies for your martial arts school.

Each month, you’ll have two coaching sessions where your success coach will review your school's performance, set goals, and tackle unique challenges to help propel your business forward.

The Satori Complete Solution encompasses one-on-one business coaching, access to a vast resource library, membership in a private Facebook community, discounts on ProMAC conferences, and more.

Access to the Satori MAT library is provided exclusively to members, offering over 3,000 resources such as call scripts, marketing templates, and business tactics to support your school's growth.

Satori Alliance Instructor Program

This certification program is designed to elevate martial arts instructors' teaching skills, expand their professional network, and enhance their career opportunities through a comprehensive curriculum.

Members gain access to advanced teaching techniques, a prestigious community of martial arts professionals, global recognition, and increased career opportunities.

Any martial arts instructor seeking to update their teaching methods, gain professional recognition, and connect with a network of elite professionals should consider this certification.

The curriculum includes advanced teaching tools, professional conduct, communication strategies, and mindset enhancement.

The certification provides instructors with the tools and recognition needed to stand out in the competitive martial arts industry, potentially leading to better student engagement and retention.

The process involves completing a dynamic mix of instructional content online, including videos, articles, quizzes, and practical exercises, followed by a live final exam.

Program Director Program

The Program Director Certification is a comprehensive 6-month course designed to train your staff in essential areas like student growth, retention, sales, and communication to enhance your martial arts business.

This course is ideal for martial arts school staff who are directly involved in student interactions and operational management, especially those looking to enhance their skills in sales, marketing, and student retention.

The certification covers a wide range of topics including sales and marketing techniques, call management, student experience, business management, and more.

By equipping your team with advanced skills in sales, communication, and student management, the certification helps improve overall business performance, boosts enrollment numbers, and enhances student retention.

You can schedule a 30-minute call via the Kovar Systems website to discuss how the certification can specifically benefit your team and school, and to see if your team is focusing on the right areas for growth.


Ready to take your Martial Arts business to new heights?

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute coaching call